Town of Magnolia

Events for March 2025

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Planning and Zoning Hearing

August 8, 2019@7:00 pm-8:00 pm

1.       To consider a conditional use permit application for James (Marty) Rowley and Lee Larson agent for Bug Tussel wireless to construct a communication tower to bring broadband internet to rural areas, to expand the federal government’s First Responder Network (FirstNet) and AT&T’s mobile phone network to the county. Proposed is a 300’ guyed tower with flashing beacons to be identified by air traffic.  The proposed site is in the southeast ¼ of the northeast ¼ of section 23. The parcel number 024 035002. The property is owned by James (Marty) Rowley.


August 8, 2019
7:00 pm-8:00 pm
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