Town of Magnolia

Events for December 10 - May 14Town Board

Weather in the Town of Magnolia

Special Town Board Meeting

The Town of Magnolia Town Board will meet on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 to decide two additional locations to post the notice of the Budget Hearing and summary that will be held on December 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the town hall.

Budget Hearing

Notice is hereby given that on December 13, 2022 at the Magnolia Town Hall a PUBLIC HEARING on thePROPOSED 2023 BUDGET of the Town of Magnolia in Rock County will be held. The proposedbudget in detail will be available for inspection from the Town Clerk on October 25, 2022. A… Read More

Town Board Hearing

Consider a request for a rezone from A-1 to A-3 and a request for a Conditional Use Permit forDave and Kelly Javan, 702 N State Road 213, Brodhead, WI 53520 to use an existing barn for anevent venue. The CUP would be in accordance with the Town of Magnolia Zoning… Read More